By online4income
Make Money Online With A Free Blog
A blog or weblog is simply a site dedicated to continuous updates for a specific subject, topic, product, or really anything at all. The most recent post by the publisher appears on top of the page. For instance, if you are interested in making money online you can write your own blog about it. Including daily updates about e-books, software, and information that will help your viewers make more money online. Set up is super easy. Just go to and set up your FREE account. You don’t need any technical or previous web editing experience. Blogger makes it simple in a very easy to use format that anyone can learn.
There are several ways to make money with a blog:
Place Advertising On Your Blog That Generates Revenue
You can join a number of sites that will place ads on your blog by adding some simple code and pay you either by click (CPC) or by 1000 impressions (CPM). Most of these sites also offer a referral affiliate program that can also help you increase revenue.
Sell Someone Else’s Stuff
You can do this a couple of ways. First you can simply just promote your affiliate networks. You then rely primarily on your affiliates to then sell and promote products which in turn makes you money. You can also sign up for other deals where you concentrate on selling the product and you get a cut of the profit.
Sell Products or Services Online
You also have the option to set up your own online store and sell a wide variety of products. However, it may cost you a few thousand dollars to start up your own store. One way to start up an e-store without the start-up cost is to deal with a drop ship wholesaler. How does drop shipping work?
- A drop shipper is a wholesale company that ships your product directly to the customer.
- You never pay for an item in your store until you sell it.
- You have no inventory to maintain or track
- You don’t have to worry about packing and shipping items.
- You cannot go in the negative with this style of e-store. The customer pays you the retail price, at the exact same time you pay wholesale price to the drop shipper, and you net the profit.
The drop shipping system allows for anyone to start an online business because it is so affordable. E-Bay may be the best place for you to start selling your products. One strategy you can use is to sell items that receive many bids on them. For instance, if a “How to Make Money Online” Ebook gets 10 bids and another Ebook about Internet Marketing get only 3 bids you may want to sell something pertaining to making money online. There are plenty of other auction ideas out there that will help you make a steady stream of money from e-Bay.
There are many freelance job sites that have long lists of freelancing contracts. Here’s some of the most popular jobs listed:
- IT Jobs (Java, PHP, script-installation, web-design, graphic design, programming, etc.)
- Writing, Blogging, or Editing Jobs
- Administrative support like data entry jobs and accounting services
You can join most of these freelance sites for free and start bidding right away for jobs you qualify for. You can make even more money writing articles and essays.
Be An Affiliate
I’ve talked about affiliates a lot. Affiliates make their money from people they refer to sites, who then sign up for the site, and then either purchase something or sell something to someone else. One of the best places to start is with ClickBank. ClickBank offers a huge eBook store and contains tons of merchants looking for you to sell their product. To help promote your ClickBank account you can advertise using Google’s Adword. They charge based on pay-per-click (PPC) basis. You pay for clicks to your site. It is a great way to kick start and boost your online income stream.
Paid Surveys
Did you know you can get paid at home to take online surveys? It super easy and requires no special skills or technical abilities. The best way to make the most money online with this method is to sign up with as many “paid surveys” companies as possible. Sometimes you may go a week or so without getting a survey from a specific company so you need to sign up with a bunch so you’re getting paid surveys every day.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
How to Make Money Online
Posted by Brian Stacey at 6:11 AM
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