Thursday, September 14, 2006

Starting an Online Business Quick and Easy

The fastest and cheapest way to make money online with an e-store is to buy a turnkey based business. What is a turnkey business? A turnkey business is one that is automatically setup for you an automated so you do very little work.

Where can you buy a turnkey based business?
Many companies offer turnkey based business for very little…most for under $100. Just Google turnkey business will give you a huge list of offers. Once offer I suggest is a web hosting turnkey business. Basically, you buy the turnkey business and set up a web hosting site. You then market and sell web hosting space and bandwidth as if you owned a separate company whenever in reality your just selling your providers. It’s a great way to make money online at almost zero risk.

If web hosting isn’t you cup of tea maybe you would like to buy a turnkey based e-store. You can set one up at They allow you to choose from over 3500 items to sell. Best of all you keep no inventory and never have to worry about shipping. Everything is taken care of by GetEstore.