Monday, October 30, 2006

Make Money Online without a Website

Don’t want the hassle of owning/updating your own website. Here’s a list of companies that you can make money online from AdSense without owning your own site:
Article directory that allows you to display your AdSense ads on every article you submit.
Another article directory that lets you display your own AdSense Ads
Cybersist is a play to share your blog and photos. You can upload your articles and photos and place up to seven different AdSense ads per page
With Flixya you can share your YouTube, GoogleVideo and other video media. You earn AdSense from every video submission. They offer a 50/50 share ratio.

Webmaster Forum
A discussion forum about web design, programming, inter marketing, and design that shares AdSense revenue with you on a 50/50 split for every topic or thread you start.