Friday, January 26, 2007

Make Money Online from an Affiliate Marketing Business

Making Money from an affiliate marketing business is actually quite simple. Many people are making a full time living just earning money from what there affiliate’s are selling. Sadly many more people don’t know how to market themselves properly or even know where to start – so they never earn a penny. I’ve outlined a few general steps that will help you make money online with your affiliate marketing business.

1.) First you must identify your market. Decide what interests you or provides the greatest potential for sales. You should also do some research on the market, to see what the competition is like and determine if it would still be successful.

2.) Next you need to find a good, reliable affiliate program to work with. There are many out there so do a Google search for your market. Here’s a list of a few to help you get started –,,, and Before you sign with an affiliate do plenty of research to determine if their products have good conversion rates. You should look for approximately 4%. Also check out their websites to see if they look professional, and maximize your potential to generate sales.

3.) You will also need to create a website to promote your affiliate’s products. You have many options as far as what type of website to build. You can create an e-commerce site and display all of your affiliates products on it with links to the actual store. You could also create a blog type of website and give reviews on different products your affiliate sells.

4.) After you have set up a website you want a way to keep visitors coming back as often as possible. A great way to do this is through a newsletter. You can encourage visitors to sign up for you newsletter by offering them a FREE e-book or other similar gift.

5.) Traffic, traffic, traffic. Now that you have a website, a newsletter, and an affiliate it’s time to generate traffic. The easiest way to generate traffic to your site is through advertising. Google and Yahoo both offer PPC (pay per click) advertising. You should first research the costs associated with this type of advertising, and only invest a small amount of money before investing a lot of money in this type of advertising.